3 things to know about tax-free shopping, that will save you more than ever before


1. Some stores do not to cooperate in refunding your VAT,
even if you are entitled to it.

Therefore, always check whether the store is willing to do so. Look if there is any 'Tax-Free' signing, ask the store employee or check the vatfree.com taxfree shopping guide listed on www.vatfree.com or via the vatfree.com app. More than 55.000 (online) stores are listed as cooperating, so choose one that works with us.


2. You have the right to choose how to submit your VAT claim,
even if you have a tax-free form.

You bought at a cooperating store, great! You have probably received an invoice made out to your name or a tax-free form or voucher. After getting the proof of export you can start submitting your VAT refund claim. But did you know you are not obligated to use the refund company that is listed on the tax-free form or voucher? When a store works with a refund company to process claims, youโ€™re the one paying the fees as high as 63% of your VAT refund amount! Some refund companies offer retailers high commissions for allowing them to process your claim. That's called tying, which results in high fees and less innovation as there is little room for competition.
Tying is therefore prohibited by EU law. Thatโ€™s why you are free in selecting the service of choice to assist you in claiming back VAT. Or, not recommended, you can even contact the store directly for a full VAT refund. Even if a store employee declines or tells you to use the store's tax-free voucher. The function of this VAT voucher is twofold:

  • It serves as an official invoice made out to your name to declare your goods for export

  • It is also a contract between you and the refund company listed on the voucher (which you will need to sign if you want to enter in agreement with this company)

3. A tax-free form or voucher is not a binding contract.

The tax-free document you might receive in store serves as a replacement for the invoice made out to your name, necessary to declare your goods to customs for export approval. Youโ€™re allowed to submit your VAT refund claim via a third party of  choice, regardless of who is listed on the form or voucher as the refund company. 
And choice is the best thing as companies will compete to offer you the best service and the lowest fees, like us at vatfree.com! We guarantee the highest refund which might save you up to hundreds of Euros more compared to amounts received from other tax refund companies. Simply because weโ€™re not paying any commission to stores. We just offer them the best service too! In most cases, retailers will respect the freedom of choice. They accept claims being submitted by different refund companies. Even if a retailer promotes a different company in store, most likely you will be able to use vatfree.comโ€™s services to claim your VAT.

How do I claim a VAT refund? 
Click here to find out more on our 
FAQ page.

And what if the store agrees to disagree?
Is a retailer insisting you do not have freedom of choice? Then use the company recommended by the store. But also let us know that they are limiting your choice and denying you the right to claim what is legally yours! We may still be able to help you recover the commissioned amount as the European Union is currently looking into this practice. So in that case: please send us the digital copies of the receipts, the VAT refund form or voucher and any other relevant documents via freedom@vatfree.com.
Feel free to share this knowledge with family and friends! We wish you lots of savvy shopping and hope to welcome you back soon. For additional questions contact us via support@vatfree.com

During the COVID-19 pandemic our support number will be available on weekdays between 10:00 - 14:00 CET, Phone number +31 (0) 88 828 37 33

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Can I send my VAT refund claim directly to the store?  

Why do I pay a service fee?

How do I get a VAT refund?

I am from the UK, can I also claim VAT?

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Our easy to use mobile app for iPhone and Android lets you know where to shop, register your VAT refund claim, keeps you up-to-date and above all: prevents you from paying too much when buying your favorite products.